Recent questions tagged vistoria

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    Cuando la superficie del lugar no sea mayor de cien m2 o se trate de una casa unifamiliar, asimismo ... consistent supply of the best care attainable underneath the circumstances....
asked Jun 9 by PedroDanielG (120 points)
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    Este archivo en un hospital, además de establecer los medios humanos y especialistas de que dispone para ... semeja que serán las considerables personajes principales este verano....
asked Jun 9 by JooLuccaLima (120 points)
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    An essential tool in the firefighter's armory is a right-angle firefighter mild, which options an adjustable head that can ... a spike that may pierce the fuselage of an plane....
asked Jun 9 by PedroJooVito (280 points)
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    Research the terrain and climate your city expects what sort of disasters it has suffered and the chances of them ... Sonoma State group to evaluate our Emergency Operations Plan....
asked Jun 9 by MarianaMarti (380 points)
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    SOPs are important to making sure that fireplace prevention measures are consistently applied and vistoria avcb followed in a ... cut back the toll hearth exacts on our society....
asked Jun 9 by MarianaMarti (380 points)
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    If the event is a climate condition, such as a hurricane, you might have a day or two to get ready. ... otro atendiendo una urgencia menor, como el salve de animales atrapados....
asked Jun 9 by VAULarissa4 (600 points)
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    Once closed, the damper will remain closed to hinder the spread of flames by way of the penetration. Nailor 1220(-3 ... ducts and other locations where fire rated structures (e.g....
asked Jun 9 by EnzoRamos89 (120 points)
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    Acute disasters have a general time of onset of the time of an event occurring. However, given the rapidly evolving ... well-equipped staff will be the basis of successful efforts....
asked Jun 9 by PedroBryanTe (120 points)
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    Yet these tight areas can easily ignite as a outcome of electrical sources and trapped mud. Para llevar a cabo las ... fireplace, and the place there is delicate tools put in....
asked Jun 8 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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    It's needed so as to put out a fire before it becomes uncontrollable, inflicting damages to property and the ... to prevent, mitigate, and respond to fire emergencies successfully....
asked Jun 8 by MariaLorenaM (320 points)
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    Los planes de emergencia deben estar correctamente certificados por la entidad nacional correspondiente y deben de ser ... reacción que vamos a tener frente este impacto....
asked Jun 8 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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    The purpose for this is because fires are more than likely to begin in a hospital's kitchen. Strong actions ... frequent mock as properly as evacuation drills should be taken....
asked Jun 8 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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    These exits should be easily accessible and free from obstructions. También incluye otras operaciones tales como la ... en el área profesional de la seguridad y prevención....
asked Jun 8 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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    El seguro de motocicleta contra hurto que ofrecemos sí tiene franquicia y es una de las más bajas del mercado ... geniales fabricantes en agilidad y en resistencia al mismo tiempo....
asked Jun 7 by PedroJooRoch (1.7k points)
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    Instale alarmas de humo, revise sus baterías con regularidad y sostenga materiales incendiables lejos de fuentes ... insurance coverage necessities. What is fire safety equipment?...
asked Jun 7 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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    D) Análisis de su incidencia con relación a la producción forestal, la conservación de la flora, la fauna, los suelos y los ... the edge of the fire," based on the Forest Service....
asked Jun 7 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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    Los productos Netatmo están preparados para comunicar con todas y cada una de las aplicaciones y todos los servicios se ... the door and pay attention to the cutscene that plays....
asked Jun 7 by PedroJooRoch (1.7k points)
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    Esta acción, que refleja un esfuerzo latinoamericano más amplio para batallar la creciente prevalencia de incendios ... tiene su departamento de Ingeniería experta en PCI....
asked Jun 7 by PedroJooRoch (1.7k points)
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    Primer campo de fuego diseñado específicamente con una rotación del agua circular. Cualquier medida precautoria que vaya encaminada a ... ya hace más de 50 años en el campo....
asked Jun 7 by MariaLorenaM (320 points)
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    She kneels down, reaches into her backpack, and pulls out a small quadcopter drone. Originally from New Brunswick, ... per week. Sistema de supervisión y detección de incendios....
asked Jun 7 by JooMuriloOli (1.1k points)
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